An Open Letter To Handicap Parking Violators: Just Stop.
AdvocacyHandicap parking violators (Also known as "the bane of my existence"), are freaking everywhere. Before I was hurt, I literally had no idea that it was even an issue. I mean, it seriously never occurred to me that it would be ok to park there. I remember the moment I realized that not everyone had the same mindset as me.

10 Tips To Age Gracefully With A Disability
WellnessThe idea of growing older as a person with Spina Bifida causes me some anxiety. I think this is because there aren’t many elderly people with the most severe forms of Spina Bifida when compared against the much higher number of people with the disability who were born in the 70s and 80s.

An Attitude Of Gratitude: It OK To Accept Help
AdvocacyHaving a physical disability often makes me stand out in a crowd. People notice when my foot goes up to pay for a purchase or when I am struggling to carry something and naturally people want to help. But I love being able to do many things on my own because it makes me feel like a regular person. Like the first time I drove by myself or the day I moved out on my own. When I really want to get something done I will find a way, but having a disability often requires extra time and creative thinking. While in elementary, I would spend the entire recess figuring out how I would scale a stair-less platform just to go down the playground’s slide once. When I became a mother, I had to figure out how to hold, burp and carry my baby.

How Do We Honor Our Grandparents?
Senior LivingSo, how do you celebrate your grandparents? Some of us don’t know what do with our grandparents, so we end up doing nothing. The important thing is to keep in touch with your grandparents and to help keep them as active as possible.